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Celebrating the Coming of Spring with Your Family

Celebrating the Coming of Spring with Your Family

Celebrating the Coming of Spring with Your Family

Oh, glorious spring! The days are growing longer than the nights. The plants are awakening and turning the earth into glorious shades of green, blue, purple, and red. And, most importantly, we can stop staring at the camping gear corner of our garages with longing. It’s time to dust off the (literal) cobwebs and start booking those campsites!

But first, let’s talk about this changing of the seasons. The spring equinox (also called the “vernal” equinox) marks the beginning of spring for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere and falls on March 19th this year. The term “equinox” is derived from the Latin term for “equal night” and marks one of the two days throughout the year when the length of the day and night are approximately equal in length. This is due to the sun shining directly on the equator.

In other words, you made it through another winter! Keep reading for some fun activities, crafts, and books to help you celebrate the coming of spring with your family.

Activities to Celebrate the Coming of Spring

Plant Something

Nothing says spring quite like getting your hands dirty in the soil, planting new vegetation, or maintaining an established garden. If your region isn’t ready for outdoor planting yet, try starting some new seedlings indoors and watch them sprout as the weather warms up. This is a great way to bond as a family and create something you can watch grow throughout the season.

A little boy and an older boy watering plants together in a park
Go Camping!

Spring is by far my favorite season for camping! The temperatures are pleasant, the insects haven’t quite reached ultra-annoying status yet, the nights are still cool enough to promote sleep, etc. Also, the campgrounds tend to be less crowded at the start of the season. So dust off your tent, air out those sleeping bags, take stock of your gear, and start booking those campsites!

Go on a “Signs of Spring” Hike

The renewal of spring brings all sorts of changes to the earth. Head out to a favorite trail and encourage your kiddos to search for buds on trees, new grass shoots, nesting birds, etc. If you don’t live in an area that is showing signs of spring yet, talk about what changes they may see in the coming weeks as spring takes hold of your area.

Play in the Mud

Early spring is called “mud season” for a reason. Why not embrace it? Seek out those muddy puddles to stomp in, make mud pies and cakes with your kids, and let them get really, truly covered in mud. These are memories that will stick with them until they have little ones of their own!

Clean Up a Park or Trail

Our family has a tradition of going on a “clean-up” hike right around the start of spring. We pick a trail or park, grab trash bags and gloves, and take our “spring cleaning” to the next level. This helps create a fresh beginning for the new season and beautifies our outdoor spaces for everyone to better enjoy.

Start a Spring Nature Table

We switch out the items on our nature table each season to reflect the changes in nature. A “nature table” can be as small as a bowl on a bookshelf or as large as a table spread. The items can include anything that reminds your family of spring such as dandelion fluff, dried flowers, discarded eggshells from a hatchling, spring crafts, seeds, photos from adventures, etc. There is no wrong way to create a nature table!

Two little boys smiling while wearing gloves and carrying a trash bag after cleaning up a trail

Spring Craft Ideas

Build a Birdhouse or Bird Feeder

Entice the birds to come back from their winter vacation by creating a place for them to nest and eat in your yard. You can build a house from scratch or grab a kit from your local hardware store with all the parts pre-cut. You can also find birdfeeder kits or simply slather some natural peanut butter on a pinecone and roll it in wild bird seed to hang on your trees. Then grab some binoculars and a local field guide to birds in your area, and you’re set to watch the birds return this spring!

Make “Grass Heads”

This is a fun activity that requires few materials and grows quickly, providing the perfect gardening project for even the youngest little ones. There are various ways to create grass heads, but we have found the easiest is to simply find a cheap pot (or even a plastic cup), create a silly face on it, add soil, grass seeds, and water, and watch them grow! You can have your kiddos create silly hairstyles with scissors as the grass grows tall. You can find more detailed instructions at this website.

Create Seed Bombs

These are super easy to make and a fun gift to give. They can also add life to your garden or liven up a nearby park or natural area. Just be sure to only use seeds of native plant species to avoid non-native or invasive species from taking over! You can follow the easy instructions from this website that only requires three ingredients!

A little boy coloring a birdhouse he built from a kit

Books to Celebrate the Coming of Spring

If your kiddos love books as much as mine do, check out these five gorgeously illustrated books about spring to dive deeper into the changing seasons. Better yet? Read them outdoors and search for the signs of spring in your own yard as you read along.

An image showcasing six books about spring
The Tiny Seed By: Eric Carle

Learn about the life cycle of a plant as a tiny seed grows into a giant, beautiful flower. This book is available in two versions: a board book for little ones and a hardcover, longer version for older children. The version linked here also comes with seed paper to grow wildflowers in your own garden.

A New Beginning By: Wendy Pfeffer

This educational book explains the science behind spring. It explains how the annual “rebirth” of Earth has been celebrated by various cultures throughout the ages and the world. Hands-on activity options are included to help demonstrate how different cultures celebrate the coming of spring.

Bird Watch By: Christie Matheson

Search for hidden birds and other animals in this seek-and-find picture book. It brings in concepts of counting while also teaching kids about different types of birds they can find in spring. There is also an informational page at the back for kids to learn more about the birds found in the book.

Just a Worm By: Marie Boyd

After being called “just a worm” by some children, worm embarks on a journey around the garden to prove that he’s special. Follow along to learn how worm, and other garden critters, contribute to a healthy garden, working together to help it grow. Also included are fun facts about earthworms and a craft for kids to enjoy.

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring By: Kenard Pak

Join a boy and his dog as they take a stroll through the countryside, greeting all the signs of spring along the way. They say goodbye to winter and welcome the renewal of spring through conversations with everything from a melting brook to chirping birds.

How does your family welcome the coming of spring? Send us a message and let us know!


Rebecca is a transplant Coloradoan living in Virginia with her husband (Derek) and their two boys. She’s a teacher turned freelance writer/ homeschool mom working towards exploring as much of the east coast as possible before the next move takes her family elsewhere. You can follow her family hiking, kayaking, SUPing, geocaching, camping, and all things outdoor adventuring on Instagram @frazzlednaturemom